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Capacity Testing

To simulate RADIUS connections you can use the eapol_test tool with GNU parallel. There are other RADIUS performance testing tools available, however they do not support TLS and EAP which is why we need to use eapol_test.

As eapol_test only supports a singular test, we must utilise GNU parallel to coordinate and record the running of many tests. Parallel can run tasks in parallel and sequentially.

GNU parallel will run tasks in parallel up to the number of cores or CPUs available. As the RADIUS servers only have two cores it will only run two tests simultaneously.

Connection and setup

Start by choosing a staging RADIUS server to connect to and then follow the instructions in order to access the ECS tasks (you must also be on the GDS VPN).

Run the following commands:

$ apk add parallel bash

This command adds GNU parallel and bash to the container.

Configure capacity test script

This script simulates connecting to RADIUS using eapol_test and GNU parallel.

Run this command from within the docker container.

$ cat << EOF >
#!/usr/bin/env bash
export START=$(date)
seq $number | parallel --no-notice --env HEALTH_CHECK_RADIUS_KEY --joblog log.txt eapol_test -r0 -t3 -c peap-mschapv2.conf -a -s $HEALTH_CHECK_RADIUS_KEY
sed -i  "s/$HEALTH_CHECK_RADIUS_KEY/<secret>/g" log.txt
export END=$(date)
echo "Start Time: $START"
echo "  End Time: $END"

$ chmod +x

Running capacity tests

To run 55 test logins:

./ 55

To run a single test login:

eapol_test -r0 -t3 -c peap-mschapv2.conf -a -s $HEALTH_CHECK_RADIUS_KEY


./ 1


/usr/src/healthcheck # ./ 6
/usr/src/healthcheck # cat log.txt
Seq Host    Starttime   JobRuntime  Send    Receive Exitval Signal  Command
1   :   1599839779.690       0.023  0   59014   0   0   eapol_test -r0 -t3 -c peap-mschapv2.conf -a -s <secret> 1
2   :   1599839779.692       0.029  0   59014   0   0   eapol_test -r0 -t3 -c peap-mschapv2.conf -a -s <secret> 2
3   :   1599839779.719       0.033  0   59014   0   0   eapol_test -r0 -t3 -c peap-mschapv2.conf -a -s <secret> 3
4   :   1599839779.728       0.029  0   59014   0   0   eapol_test -r0 -t3 -c peap-mschapv2.conf -a -s <secret> 4
6   :   1599839779.763       0.029  0   59014   0   0   eapol_test -r0 -t3 -c peap-mschapv2.conf -a -s <secret> 6
5   :   1599839779.757       0.039  0   59014   0   0   eapol_test -r0 -t3 -c peap-mschapv2.conf -a -s <secret> 5

The “Exitval” field shows whether eapol_test returned 0 for success and !0 for a failures.

This page was last reviewed on 23 January 2025. It needs to be reviewed again on 23 July 2025 by the page owner #govwifi .