If you have not done already, you’ll need to visit the AWS CLI webpage for instructions on how to install for your operating system
AWS SSM Plugin for AWS CLI.
To access the EC2, you’ll need to have the SSM Client plugin installed, visit the SSM Client webpage for instructions on how to install for your operating system
Start SSM session via AWS Console.
Log into the AWS CLI on either dev, staging or prod (need to use admin account).
Go to Systems Manager, under ‘Node Management’ on the left menu select ‘Session Manager’
Press the Orange ‘start session’ button, the next screen should show a list of instances eg
Alpaca Grafana-Server
Alpaca Bastion - backend
Alpaca Prometheus-Server
Select the radio button next to the instance needed, then click the ‘start session’ button
A new window with a terminal session will be shown.
Start SSM session via AWS CLI.
Assuming the SSM plugin has been installed, you can start a standard SSM (NOT SSH) session by
gds aws govwifi-development -- aws ssm start-session --target <EC2 instance Id>
SSH over SSM
To do this, the hosts file will need to be setup, SSH keys downloaded.
For instructions on how to setup the hosts file and obtain the keys, decrypt and read the instructions from the build repo.
PASSWORD_STORE_DIR=<path_to_password_store_dir> pass show ssh/instructions.txt
SCP over SSM
Once the hosts file has been configured and can successfully SSH into the instance, then to upload and download file via SCP do this.
scp ./<file-to-upload><path-from-root>
scp<path-from-root>/<file-to-download> <path/to/store/file-to-download>