Ways of working
This section explains how the GovWifi team communicates and organises our work. It’s not exhaustive or fixed, so feel free to update it.
How we communicate
We use Slack and email.
The main Slack channels are:
- for public facing GovWifi announcements, people from other teams also communicate with the GovWifi team in this channel#govwifi-core-team
- for internal announcements just for GovWifi team members#govwifi-monitoring
- for automated messages including pull request updates#govwifi-alerting
- for automated P1 Critical alerts from AWS CloudWatch, please ‘star’ this channel and enable All notifications.#govwifi-water-cooler-chat
- for informal, non-work chat and socialising
All Slack messages are deleted after 2 weeks, so put anything you might need to refer back to in an email or in a Google doc.
Please put your leave and working pattern in the GovWifi team Google calendar.
How we organise our work
We work in quarters and monthly sprints.
Speak with the GovWifi product manager and delivery manager about product road maps. They will have the most up-to-date documentation setting out what we plan to work on.
We use Jira to track our progress. We have separate boards e.g. backlog and for our current sprint.
Our work is all saved in the team Google drive. There’s a Google drive index if you need help navigating it.
The team does not make any changes to the production servers / environment on a Friday/last day of the working week unless there is a critical issue that needs resolving.
Where possible, whole team meetings should be kept within Civil Service core hours (10-4pm). We also try to avoid scheduling meetings between the hours of 12pm-2pm, this is to allow people a one hour flexible lunch break within this time.
Team charter
Our Team charter sets out how we’d like to work as a team. It includes things we value, and behaviours that we expect of team members.
We review and update it once a year.